Why Do Dialysis Patients
Need A Renal Multi-Vitamin?
If you have kidney disease and undergo dialysis
treatments, your body has special vitamin needs.
Supplementing your diet with the right vitamins
may help support general health.* Dialyvite® multi-vitamins are specifically formulated to suit
the nutritional needs of dialysis patients.*
Regular multi-vitamins from the store are not suitable for you when you have kidney disease. Because dialysis removes water-soluble B vitamins from your bloodstream, taking a renal multi-vitamin after the dialysis process replaces the important nutrients you need. The fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K are not removed through dialysis and may accumulate in the body. Special formulation is indicated to balance these vitamins' characteristics with the benefits of their supplementation.
Since Dialyvite® was introduced over thirty years
ago, we have added several prescription and nonprescription
renal multi-vitamins to meet your
specific supplement needs. The difference between
prescription (Rx) and non-prescription renal multivitamins
pertains to the Folic Acid level. Folic Acid levels of 1 mg or higher in a multi-vitamin require
a prescription. Dialyvite® Rx and Dialyvite® Rx
with Zinc have 1 mg of Folic Acid, along with
a B Vitamin complex. Folic Acid is good for
your cardiovascular system as it helps maintain
healthy blood vessels.* Dialyvite® 3000 Rx and Dialyvite® Supreme D Rx have 3 mg of Folic Acid,
and Dialyvite® 5000 Rx has 5 mg of Folic Acid.
All have increased levels of Vitamins B6 and B12. Dialyvite® 3000 Rx , Dialyvite® Supreme D Rx and Dialyvite® 5000 Rx also contain natural Vitamin E
and Selenium, which have antioxidant properties
and aid in maintaining a healthy heart and vascular
system.* Ask your Dietitian or Nephrologist about
what level would be right for you.
In addition to water-soluble vitamins,
supplementation with Zinc can also be beneficial
to your health.* Zinc has antioxidant properties and
is involved in normal taste sensitivity.* It also plays
a vital role in the immune system and may support
prostate health in men.* Because the standard renal
diet is typically deficient in Zinc, you may want to
consider a renal multi-vitamin with Zinc.1
Dialyvite® also uses the methyl form of Cobalamin
for Vitamin B12 vs. the cyano form that other vitamin
supplements utilize. Methylcobalamin, the active
form of Cobalamin in the body requires no previous
conversion as the cyano form does. The benefit of
the methyl form of B12 is that it is utilized more efficiently and effectively by the body.2
For some patients, additional Vitamin D
supplementation may be recommended. Dialyvite® 800/Ultra D , and Dialyvite® Supreme D Rx provide a renal vitamin regimen
including 2000 IU of Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol).
Dialyvite® is
a small tablet
with an ultra thin
cellulose coating.
This makes it easy
to swallow and
allows Dialyvite® to dissolve in the
stomach within
minutes allowing
the nutrient rich
supplement maximum absorption time.
We at Hillestad Pharmaceuticals take pride in
making Dialyvite® products in our manufacturing
plant. Our goal is to serve you with the best product
at a fair price.
Ask your Dietitian, Nurse or Nephrologist for Dialyvite® Rx . Dialyvite® Rx products are available
at your local pharmacy. If we can assist you or your
Pharmacist in filling your prescription, please call.
Dialyvite® 800 non-prescription products are now
available at many pharmacies nationwide. If you
have trouble finding Dialyvite® 800 at your local
pharmacy, we will be happy to help you find a
pharmacy that carries Dialyvite® 800 products.
Please call us toll-free at 866-358-9773 with any
questions you may have or to place an order. You
may also visit us online at www.dialyvite.net or fax
orders to 715-358-9778.
1. Dialysis & Transplantation, “Zinc: The Forgotten Essential Nutrient in End-Stage
Renal Disease,” Vol. 31, Number 12
2. Alternative Medicine Review, Volume 3, Number 6, 1998